Day 9: Write-umentary

Additional word count (+/- with a few edits to previous):

Word challenges worked into scenes:
Bifurcated <-- yep! It's in there! Ha! I also have places for Protuberant and pettifogger, though I haven't gotten to the scenes yet. Protuberant will be in the very next one, though. Total word count to-date:

Did not write in my nook today. I sat in our big armchair while my kids watched SpongeBob SquarePants, my husband watched Arrested Development and The O’Reilly Factor. Yep … in the middle of everything, I wrote 3000 words. Go figure. 🙂

Time allotted to writing:
2-3 hours of slightly distracted writing.

Oooh. Loads!
– End of Ch. 4 with a steamy fun sensual scene
– All of Ch. 5 with Mac’s parents acting a little odd (for her … they are always ‘odd’)
– Updates to Ch 3 with more on ‘the council’ and a new twist for Mac.

Favorite line(s):
Oh no! Geeks are not hot. Geeks are not hot.