Tag: brenda drake

Guess how old Mac is. No. Really. Guess. #giveaway

Guess how old Mac is. No. Really. Guess. #giveaway

You get 250 words from After Dark (the first 250 words) to guess the age of the main character, Mackenzie, better known as Mac. 🙂 Why? Because I’m participating in Brenda Drake’s Can We Guess Your Character’s Age? Blogfest Contest What do you get out 

Brenda Drake’s First 250 Words Contest — you in?

Brenda Drake’s First 250 Words Contest — you in?

The following 252 words are the first … ‘250 words’ (to end of sentence) … of After Dark. I’ve been instructed, by my fabuloso writer buddy Claire Gillian, to post these here so others may weigh in with their opinions. Once those opinions have been