The letter D: is for Dog. Every book should include at least one animal. Yes? No? Maybe so?

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There’s nothing like a good dog right? Loads of movies feature dogs as ‘man’s best friend’ and that applies to YA fiction, too. I’ve read books with cats. Books with guinea pigs. You name it, some animal has been in it. I think an animal in a YA book, as a featured ‘character’ is part of a kid’s life, though I’m sure loads of kids go through their entire childhood without animals.
I know in my house alone, my kids have had cats, birds, fish, guinea pigs and the stray doggie or two to deal with (at least temporarily). Then, when they go to grandma and grandpa’s, they have the ‘big’ dog, another cat, fish, turtles, chickens, horses and whatever else decides to make it’s home at G&Gs.
Animals are a part of life. They should be a part of a book.
What do you think about animals in YA novels? Trite or useful?