Day 18 Write-umentary (hit 30k!)

Additional word count (+/- with a few edits to previous):

Word challenges worked into scenes:
Imbroglio <-- added Sepulchral <-- added flabbergasted <-- added rugose <--TBD (I have an idea for where, but am not to that scene) succubied <-- ditto the above Riparian <-- TBD Total word count to-date:

I changed a bunch of what I wrote yesterday to be more in-keeping with the character’s personality. πŸ™‚ She did manage to get out of her conundrum, but now finds herself in one that’s even bigger and this is a point where I go … okay … do I reveal what’s going on or do I hold it further. I’m at 30k words, which means the time for revelation is good … leaves me 50k words to bring my characters into another situation and can start to flit with some arcs. πŸ™‚ And push their romance a little more. It’s about time. So I’m thinking, yes, it’s time for the reveal, but sleeping on it will really tell me if I’m right. πŸ™‚

Time allotted to writing:
~1 hour (ish) after watching The Legend of the Guardians

Completed :
Big edits to Ch. 12
90% of Ch. 13

Favorite line(s):

β€œYou just rushed a guy you know, for no apparent reason, and then he disappeared.” [Winn] ran a hand through his hair. β€œAnd you want me to think there was nothing there?”

Um … yeah. She does. Sorry, Winn! πŸ™‚