Day 26 : Write-umentary

Additional word count (+/- with a few edits to previous):

Word challenges worked into scenes:
His Fangness <-- added extrapolator of extrapolated extrapolates <-- Oh yeah, I added it. 🙂 Riparian <-- TBD Tittle <--TBD Total word count to-date:

Fun writing. Revelations. Answers. Questions. A little quiet in Mackenzie’s life, but all hell is about to break loose and she’s going to wonder how in the world it all happened. 🙂 hehehehe

Time allotted to writing:
1.5 hours of solid writing, though I did have to watch the last Hannah Montana with the girls before I could get to it. 🙂 Oh and then House with the boy, too.

Completed :
Ch 19 – added a little more!
Ch 20 – 50% done!

Favorite line(s):

“Oh, no. Humans vote. We are given.”