Day 4: After Dark Write-umentary

Additional word count (+/- with a few edits to previous):

Total word count to-date:

I put in 2 solid hours of writing today. Okay … wait … no. I put in one solid hour of writing, about 20 minutes of research on mystical creatures so I could create my 12 member ‘council’ and after that, added the next bit. I am at the end of Chapter 3, but as it’s nearly midnight, I’m calling it quits rather than write blurry-eyed through the end bit. Mackenzie’s character is really coming to life for me. She’s tough, but soft. Rough, but has something hidden and those little blips are showing. I am so loving creating her. 🙂 By Chapter 4 I’ll really get to dive into Winn. Wheee!

Time allotted to writing:
About 2 hours with a break for necessary research.

2 of 3 parts in Chapter 3, edits to Chapter 2.

Favorite line (ish):
“Maya Mackenzie Thorne an angel.” He slapped his thigh, leaned into the guard house and kept on laughing.